Sweet Stalks

Today's post is another riff on the influence of embroidery in needlepoint.  Common embroidery techniques used in needlepoint include the stem stitch, the back stitch, and French Knots.  I've had a lot of fun trying to recreate some of the more unique embroidery stitches as needlepoint.  Today's stitch is a perfect example.  First, this is the original pin that helped me create the stitch below.

Stalk Stitch.jpg

I thought it was important to make these stalks look as natural as possible, so I offset the middle column by one row (on the vertical) so the stalks wouldn't be even.  With the lazy daisy loop (the black lines), it was also possible to make this stitch follow a curved line.  

You can see that curved line in the lower left hand corner of the stitched sample on Instagram.  I used a single color of Vineyard Silk in the stitched sample.  The painting of the canvas enhanced the stitch as well.  (I can always find an argument for open stitches.)

It would be a lot of fun to do the loops in a different color to make the "flower" part of this stitch pop.  Another idea is to add French Knots in some of the open spaces for a different version of a flower.  Have fun with it.

This stitch diagram, along with all other #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams, can also be found on a Pinterest board here.

Be sure to follow whimsicalstitch.com on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter.

If you like what you see on this blog, want to learn some very creative decorative stitches, and how to put them all together, whimsicalstitch.com sells stitch guides for seasonal Melissa Shirley designs.  28 guides are currently available and more are in the pipeline.
