One of the First Stitches I Learned

Byzantine with Smyrna Crosses.jpg

The Byzantine is one of the first stitches I learned.  This, of course, means I shunned it in for several years as I found stitches I considered more fun or more intriguing.  Frankly, it just meant this was one of the first stitches taught to me and I always thought there had to be something better.  Sometimes, there is nothing better.  The Byzantine can be manipulated in so many ways as it is a fantastic, all-purpose, go-to stitch.  I need to use it more often.

It is a great way to mix thread finishes and colors.  Due to technical difficulties, you can find the stitched sample here. The stitched sample uses good old DMC Floss (4-ply) with Kreinik Metallics Tapestry Braid (#12) on 18-mesh.  

This stitch works for countless spaces, including trees and shrubs, clothing, floors, water, samplers...the list is endless, which also means the threads are endless.  

This stitch diagram, along with all other #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams, can be found on a Pinterest board here.

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If you like what you see on this blog, want to learn some very creative decorative stitches, and how to put them all together, sells stitch guides for Melissa Shirley Designs and Zecca Designs. 28 guides are available, including the newest Tea by the Sea, and more are in the pipeline.
